subota, 28. kolovoza 2010.

Aquarium Decors

One cannot simply leave the aquarium looking barren and empty. The fish needed a decorated environment not for the sake of fashion but for them to be comfortable and behave naturally. The decors and ornaments can serve part as their shelter and hiding places. Besides, decorating an aquarium is fun. And, it is probably the most anticipated part in setting up this hobby.
Before introducing any decorative ornament into your tank, make sure that each item is labeled safe for aquarium use. Buying items that are not rendered safe have the potential of leaking hazardous substances into your aquarium and can slowly poison your fish. Also don’t get items that have metal parts in them because they can rust and contaminate your tank.
You should also be aware that freshwater and saltwater aquariums have differing environments. As such, you can neither put corals and seashells in freshwater nor can you put natural driftwoods in saltwater aquariums. Ensure that what you put is safe for the aquarium environment that you have. Do thorough research or ask an expert about the best items for your type of tank.
Be careful in putting stones, rocks or driftwoods that you have picked from your backyard, lake or beach. These items may not be safe for aquarium use. Backyard stones and rocks, for instance, may have absorbed pesticides in them. Driftwoods may bring in harmful bacteria into your tank that can cause your fish to die. It is, therefore, recommended that you buy aquarium supplies from your local fish store so you can ensure that all the decors and ornaments that you have are labeled safe for your aquarium use.

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