petak, 27. kolovoza 2010.

 All the Tetras belong to the family Characidae in the order Characiformes and are small freshwater fishes. Many tropical Tetra fish species are popular among aquarists, especially the species that are brightly colored and easy to care for in captivity.
The most famous of the Tetra species is of course the immensely popular Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi). This fish is found in both blackwater and clearwater streams in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. It is a peaceful fish that is commonly kept in community aquariums.
It is not hard to care for and is suitable for novice aquarists. The Neon tetra grows no larger than 5 centimeters (2 inches). You should always keep at least 10 Neon tetra fishes together, since this is a schooling species that will feel very stressed if kept alone. Your Neon tetra will appreciate a well planted aquarium, but leave a space open for swimming. Floating plants that will dim the light a bit is recommended. A dark substrate will also help creating a less bright environment in the aquarium since it will not reflect the light. The colors of the Neon tetra will also look more vibrant against a dark substrate.
Keep the water temperature between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius. The Neon tetra can live in acidic water as well as in a slightly alkaline environment, so anything from pH 5.5 to pH 7.5 will be okay. Getting a Neon tetra to eat in captivity is definitely not hard and you should strive to avoid over feeding. Choose a high-quality flake food.

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